Plan Updates

The Village of Waterloo is working on developing a Comprehensive Plan.  Please check back regularly for updated information.


Vision Statement

The Village of Waterloo, established in 1815, is a unique, beautiful, and safe community that is deeply connected to its past, while moving confidently into its future.  We are situated along the Cayuga-Seneca Canal, and located within an hour of Syracuse, Rochester, and Ithaca.  We boast high quality water resources, well-maintained infrastructure, and access to many major traffic networks including the New York State Thruway.  The Village proudly recognizes its legacy as both the Birthplace of Memorial Day and where the first events of the Women’s Rights Movement took place. Waterloo is rich in religious, recreational, cultural, historic, and natural resources, which support a strong economic foundation.  Our diverse accommodations, parks, shops, and restaurants provide a central hub for visitors exploring the Finger Lakes Area.  Guests to Waterloo are invited to experience our historically preserved downtown that is home to many small businesses and residents that support the growth of downtown.  We provide high quality educational opportunities and facilities. Village residents enjoy a “Small Town USA” quality of life that fosters pride, supports the technology of the future, welcomes newcomers, and encourages families to remain for generations.



Schedule is subject to change.



Canal/Waterfront Development Rich Cunningham Thursday, May 7, 2015
Natural Resources/Environmental Issues Colleen Nelson Weddnesday, June 17, 2015
Parks & Recreation/Transportation/Bike & Ped Colleen Nelson Thursday, July 9, 2015
Historic/Cultural Resources Colleen Nelson Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Commercial Resources/Downtown Rich Cunningham Thursday, August 13, 2015
Economic Development Rich Cunningham Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Housing/Educational Resources Ann Hotchkin Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Infrastructure & Utilities/Flooding/Stormwater Management MRB Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Emergency Services/Code Enforcement Ann Hotchkin Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Land Use & Zoning Colleen Nelson Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Development Management Colleen Nelson Thursday, November 12, 2015
Environmental Sustainability ALL TBD


SWOT Analysis:

What is SWOT?

A SWOT, is a strategic planning tool. It allows us to take a look at what you determine are the Village of Waterloo’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

During the public visioning meeting on November 19, 2014, we asked the public to weigh in on what they believed were the most pressing issues in the Village.

The Strengths signify the positives in the Village; it’s assets, resources and Advantages. The Weaknesses signify the disadvantages, negatives, and vulnerabilities. These are present issues.

Opportunities signify positive trends, positive influences, and momentum that may impact the Village. Threats signify the external roadblocks, and obstacles that the Village may come across in the future.

These items were listed and voted on, establishing a guideline for us to follow when we consider the many aspects of the Village while writing the plan.  The results are listed below.  The number in parenthesis indicates the number of votes each item received.  The items highlighted in red received the most votes.  


History (9)

Landmarks (1)

Location (10)

            -Wine Region

            -Finger Lakes


            - 2 Major Highways

School System (1)

School Facilities (1)

Bike trails (2)

Canal (3) -  Water transportation

Community Pride

Water Supply (3)

Great Library (4)

Tax Rate

Shared Services

Outlet Mall

Bus Service



Access to healthcare (1)

Great Restaurants (1)

Beautification programs

Religious opportunities (3)

Good Police/fire/EMS

Seneca Meadows Support

Trees (1)



Availability of open storefronts (1)

New businesses in storefronts (3)

Collaboration between Waterloo and Seneca Falls (3)

Building in front of Evans Chemetics

Continue Development of waterfront (2)

Cayuga-Seneca Trail (2)

Casino (1)

Capitalize on Memorial Day History (6)

Nearby college influences

Theater (plays) (1)

Downtown revitalization (4)

Unique Attractions

Youth - Needs and engagement (1)

Organizations working together (2)

Partnering with Seneca Meadows (2)

Social Media

Technology (Wifi)

Low cost of housing

Lee Bieber’s Investments (6)

Main Street School (2)


State of Sidewalks (1)


            -Smell (1)


Run-Down buildings (5)

Rear of buildings on Main St. (3)

Need of Sidewalks (2)

Poor condition of public parking lots

Parking Availability in North (1)

Paring signage (1)

Wayfinding signage needed

Main St. traffic (2)

Not enough visible crosswalks

Lack of Speed enforcement (3)

Downtown Safety (1)

Traffic patterns @ 96-South Entrance (1)

Unwelcoming gateways (2)

Street Drainage

Lack of community involvement (4)

Community Negative

Absentee landlords (1)

Increase of income housing

Lack of senior housing

Increase in multi-family (1)

Zoning enforcement (2)

Lack of trust in institutions

Large number of tax exempt properties

Vacancy rate Downtown (1)

Too much low income housing

Appearance of downtown buildings (2)



Not taking opportunities (2)

Lack of opportunities for young adults (3)

Drug Trafficking/Abuse (4)

Seneca Meadows (8)

Casino (1)

Tree Management


Lee Bieber’s investment

Lack of good information (3)

Fear of change (2)

Lack of student involvement (3)

Low socio-economic status (5)

Lack of Leadership (1)

Aging Population (1)








Completed Project Images...

Clocktower Building - Cortland, New York

East End Bakery - Cortland, NY

East End Housing - Cortland, NY

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