Village of Homer Comprehensive Plan
The Village of Homer adopted their Comprehensive Plan in June of 2010. The Plan is the result of the Village's desire to become more proactive in guiding the changing conditions in the Village. It will serve as a blueprint for future action by the Village Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, and the community as a whole as it deals with growth and change.
Community involvement was critical in creating the Plan. A Steering Committee, composed of political representatives, Planning Board members, and community members, guided the process. Four Public Visioning Sessions and a Business Focus Group were held during the process. A Mail Survey was sent to randomly selected households in the Village to gauge the opinion of residents on a variety of Village topics.
A series of Goals and Implementation Measures resulted from the Plan. The Plan's Vision Statement reads:
The Village of Homer, rich in heritage, will continue to be a safe and attractive small town community where successful businesses and residences co-exist, and goods and services are easily accessible. Our quality of life is enriched through community involvement, strong leadership, educational and recreational opportunities, well-maintained infrastructure, and thoughtfully managed development.
A printed copy of the plan can be viewed at the Village Office.