Strategic Plan for Cayuga County Waterfront Villages
The Cayuga County Department of Planning and Economic Development secured funding through the Governor’s Office for Small Cities for a Technical Assistance Grant to complete a strategic plan for the Cayuga Lake waterfront Villages of Cayuga, Union Springs, and Aurora. All of these communities are located on Route 90, a State designated Scenic Byway. Cayuga County issued a Request for Proposals to complete a portion of the plan and Thoma was selected.
The goal of the Economic Development Plan for the Waterfront Villages of Scenic Route 90 was to identify strategies to expand the tourism economy and extend visitor stays in and around the subject villages. Thoma completed a business recruitment plan that included an inventory of each community’s existing businesses; an assessment of possible sites for new business development; identification of new business opportunities; and a strategy for implementing community and economic development goals.
Input from the general public, business and property owners, and local government officials was solicited through a series of public workshops, as well as interviews with community leaders and stakeholders. As a result of this Plan, the Cayuga County Planning Department has formed Waterfront Revitalization committees which will focus on the four primary areas of the Plan’s recommendations: physical improvements, promotion and marketing, events, and business development.